Elder Law, Are there any assets that Medicaid does not consider available to the Medicaid applicant... You Might Also Like Am I allowed to keep all of my Social Security and pension if I am in a nursing home and Medicaid... What if I do not want to go to a nursing home? Are there ways to get services brought into the home? Do children have to pay for a parent to be in a nursing home? I am single. What happens if I have to go to a nursing home? Once I have signed a durable power of attorney, can I change my mind?
Elder Law, Are there any assets that Medicaid does not consider available to the Medicaid applicant... You Might Also Like Am I allowed to keep all of my Social Security and pension if I am in a nursing home and Medicaid... What if I do not want to go to a nursing home? Are there ways to get services brought into the home? Do children have to pay for a parent to be in a nursing home? I am single. What happens if I have to go to a nursing home? Once I have signed a durable power of attorney, can I change my mind?