Skip to Videos All | Asset Protection Law | Disability Planning Law | Elder Law | Estate Planning Law | Probate Law | Elder Law, Will the government or state take my house if I go into a nursing home? Elder Law, Will my loved one get worse care in the nursing home once Medicaid starts paying for his/her care? Elder Law, Will medicare cover the cost of nursing home care? Elder Law, Will long-term care insurance pay for care at home? Elder Law, Will having a power of attorney and health care proxy in place prevent the need for a guardianship? Elder Law, Will having a durable power of attorney prevent the need for a conservatorship? Elder Law, Why should I use an elder law attorney to help me apply for Medicaid benefits? Elder Law, Why should I hire an elder law attorney? Elder Law, When does a power of attorney become effective? Elder Law, What should I consider when developing a plan for long-term care services? Elder Law, What is the main reason for having a general power of attorney? Elder Law, What is elder law? Elder Law, What is dementia and how is it related to Alzheimer's disease? Elder Law, What is an advance directive? Elder Law, What if I do not want to go to a nursing home? Are there ways to get services brought into the home? Elder Law, What does spend down mean? Elder Law, What are the common mistakes in Medicaid asset protection planning? Elder Law, What are the advantages and disadvantages of a guardianship? Elder Law, Under a power of attorney, can my agent make a gift on my behalf? Elder Law, Should I notify my bank about a durable power of attorney? Elder Law, Should I have a power of attorney for healthcare? Elder Law, Should I add my family members names on my assets and avoid a will? Elder Law, Our entire family works together to take care of our mother. Can we be paid for the things we do... Elder Law, Once I have signed a durable power of attorney, can I change my mind? Elder Law, Must third parties honor a power of attorney? Elder Law, If my spouse and I own everything jointly, might a durable power of attorney still be useful? Elder Law, If my mother or father is not able to handle his or her own financial matters, what can I do? Elder Law, If I have all my estate planning and long-term care documents from another state, do I have... Elder Law, If I go into a nursing home and my wife stays home, how much of my income can she keep? Elder Law, If I give my agent immediate powers, do I forfeit all rights to make financial decisions? Elder Law, If I choose a durable power of attorney, how would my incapacity be determined? Elder Law, I am single. What happens if I have to go to a nursing home? Elder Law, How does a power of attorney terminate? Elder Law, How can an estate plan prevent a guardianship proceeding? Elder Law, Does a revocable living trust offer asset protection? Elder Law, Do I need to have my loved one evaluated? And by whom? Elder Law, Do I need a will? Elder Law, Do I need a living trust? Elder Law, Do I have to wait five years after giving anything away to get Medicaid? Elder Law, Do children have to pay for a parent to be in a nursing home? Elder Law, Do all attorneys practice elder law? Elder Law, Can my mother give away $10,000 with no problems? Elder Law, Can I add my daughter's or son's name to my bank account instead of having a power of attorney? Elder Law, As the primary caregiver, how can I get a break? Elder Law, Are well spouses legally responsible for Medicaid expenses of a sick spouse? Elder Law, Are there any assets that Medicaid does not consider available to the Medicaid applicant... Elder Law, Are the rules for Medicaid different in each state? Elder Law, Am I allowed to keep all of my Social Security and pension if I am in a nursing home and Medicaid...