Skip to Videos All | Asset Protection Law | Disability Planning Law | Elder Law | Estate Planning Law | Probate Law | Asset Protection Law, Will medicare pay for my nursing home costs? Asset Protection Law, Who should have an asset protection plan? Asset Protection Law, Who should be my power of attorney? Asset Protection Law, What should I be careful of when preparing an asset protection program? Asset Protection Law, What government program will pay for my nursing home costs? Asset Protection Law, Should I use a trust to protect my assets? Asset Protection Law, Retirement accounts are a major asset. How can they be protected from creditors? Asset Protection Law, Is it possible that I may need more than one LLC? Asset Protection Law, If my spouse is going into a nursing home, can they transfer all of their assets to me... Asset Protection Law, I heard Medicaid can take our house for reimbursement. Is that true? Asset Protection Law, I heard I can give away $10,000 and not have any problems Is that true? Asset Protection Law, How can I avoid being impoverished by the high cost of nursing home care? Asset Protection Law, How can a limited liability company provide me with asset protection? Asset Protection Law, Do I need a financial power of attorney? Asset Protection Law, Are there spend-down provisions for the assets of one spouse to cover nursing home expenses...