Elder Law, Are the rules for Medicaid different in each state? You Might Also Like Am I allowed to keep all of my Social Security and pension if I am in a nursing home and Medicaid... Will long-term care insurance pay for care at home? Are well spouses legally responsible for Medicaid expenses of a sick spouse? Will having a power of attorney and health care proxy in place prevent the need for a guardianship? What is the main reason for having a general power of attorney?
Elder Law, Are the rules for Medicaid different in each state? You Might Also Like Am I allowed to keep all of my Social Security and pension if I am in a nursing home and Medicaid... Will long-term care insurance pay for care at home? Are well spouses legally responsible for Medicaid expenses of a sick spouse? Will having a power of attorney and health care proxy in place prevent the need for a guardianship? What is the main reason for having a general power of attorney?