Elder Law, What are the common mistakes in Medicaid asset protection planning? You Might Also Like If my spouse and I own everything jointly, might a durable power of attorney still be useful? Should I add my family members names on my assets and avoid a will? Can I add my daughter's or son's name to my bank account instead of having a power of attorney? As the primary caregiver, how can I get a break? Am I allowed to keep all of my Social Security and pension if I am in a nursing home and Medicaid...
Elder Law, What are the common mistakes in Medicaid asset protection planning? You Might Also Like If my spouse and I own everything jointly, might a durable power of attorney still be useful? Should I add my family members names on my assets and avoid a will? Can I add my daughter's or son's name to my bank account instead of having a power of attorney? As the primary caregiver, how can I get a break? Am I allowed to keep all of my Social Security and pension if I am in a nursing home and Medicaid...