Elder Law, Do I need to have my loved one evaluated? And by whom? You Might Also Like Does a revocable living trust offer asset protection? Will the government or state take my house if I go into a nursing home? Can my mother give away $10,000 with no problems? Will having a power of attorney and health care proxy in place prevent the need for a guardianship? If my spouse and I own everything jointly, might a durable power of attorney still be useful?
Elder Law, Do I need to have my loved one evaluated? And by whom? You Might Also Like Does a revocable living trust offer asset protection? Will the government or state take my house if I go into a nursing home? Can my mother give away $10,000 with no problems? Will having a power of attorney and health care proxy in place prevent the need for a guardianship? If my spouse and I own everything jointly, might a durable power of attorney still be useful?